Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Texas Judge William Adams Investigated as YouTube Video Showing Man Beating Teen Girl With Belt Goes Viral

Aransas County Judge at Law William Adams is getting an international publicity boost today, but not in a good way, as a YouTube of a man beating a teenaged girl with a belt has gone viral - and media reports are that he's the man in the video.

Watch the video on YouTube here, but be prepared - this may be disturbing so think about it before you click the link:

If you check the video out as it has been placed upon YouTube (downloaded on 10/27/2011), there is a description that relates the teenaged girl to be the judge's daughter, Hillary Adams.

Death Threats and a Criminal Investigation

KRIS-TV out of Corpus Christi is reporting that they contacted Miss Adams, and she confirmed the YouTube video
as being something that she herself placed on the web, to spotlight what had happened to her.

KRIS-TV is also reporting that the Aransas County Courthouse is being swamped with folk calling to complain about the YouTube video and what they perceive to be the actions of a sitting Texas judge. Officials are reporting that there have been death threats against the Texas judge, and a criminal investigation has been opened.

Teenager Depicted in Video Has Been Disabled Since Birth

The YouTube video was accompanied by text (read it all at Above the Law) that states the teenager shown in the video suffers from a disability, having been born with ataxic cerebral palsy.

Ataxic cerebral palsy is a rare form of cerebral palsy that results in poor physical coordination, with victims suffering from shaky movement and problems doing things like walking or writing with a pen or pencil.

Growing Media Frenzy Over YouTube Video and Judge William Adams

The disturbing video is getting not only national media attention by also the international spotlight. This morning, the International Business Times reported that Judge Adams' phone had been disconnected (discovered, apparently, when they were trying to contact him).

Local media are hot on the story, as it breaks: KZTV has online updates, which includes a recent update where Judge William Adams speaks to their reporter about the YouTube video, confirming that he is the man that is shown in it.

Also in that story, Judge Adams relates that he's in touch with the Austin Judicial Review Board. Odds are high that he's gonna be in touch with a criminal defense attorney real soon, too.

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